Rental Coach → Rental Coach - For Accountants

Accountants Studio Rental Series - #3 - Repairs and Maintenance for Rental Properties (RCAS3-Repairs)

Number 3 in the Accountants Studio Series focusing on Rental Properties. This course looks at Repairs and Maintenance and the correct process to follow to determine whether an expense is R&M or an improvement. This is worth 2 CPD Hours of Unstructured Professional Development.

Price: For a single course $75. For the complete set of 4 courses, $250 (Save $50!) (All prices include GST). Bulk discounts are available for firms with multiple trainees.

Whether you are a new trainee or need of refreshing your skills, there is something valuable in this course. It is designed to take 1.5 - 2 hours (depending on previous skill level). It contains a short quiz at the conclusion of the course.

Interested in giving this to your staff members? We can create a 'mentor' role so that you can see how your staff go through these courses, their results, and how long it took them. Get in contact with us at to get setup (and discounts for multiple users).

3. Repairs and Maintenance for Rental Properties

This course takes students through all the important aspects of determining what is repairs and maintenance and what is an improvement in relation to Rental Properties. We cover:

- the principles and rules to follow when looking at repairs done on rental properties and determining whether it is repairs and maintenance (an expense) or an improvement (an asset)

- A handy flowchart to print out and keep close when doing real-world jobs

- lots of examples illustrating the correct process to follow to ensure you comply with current rules

- A practical list of questions to check with the client to ensure the client doesn't forget any expenses and you can prepare their tax return accruately

The course ends with a short quiz to test the trainee the material from these units.

The course uses an easy-to-use interface for navigating within each unit, has glossary pop-ups on words of interest, and links to other websites for extra reading.

If you want to know more about it, head to our websites:


Learn Accounting NZ Ltd
  • Accountants Studio Series - #3 - Repairs and Maintenance for Rental Properties
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever